The 70th Conference of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry
Online Conference
September 28(Mon)-30(Wed), 2020
To Host Univ.
Please visit Host Univ. WEB SITE for details.
Deadline for the title submission: May 22 (Fri), 2020.
Deadline for the abstract submission: July 3 (Fri), 2020.
Deadline for the earlybird registration: July 24 (Fri), 2020.
Deadline for transfer of the fees for the early-bird registration: July 31 (Fri), 2020.
Important notice:
Due to the spread of the COVID-19 infection, the 70th Conference will be
held as an online conference.
Date: September 29 (Mon)-31(Wed), 2020.
Deadline for the title submission: August 16 (Sun), 2020.
Deadline for the abstract submission: August 16 (Sun), 2020.
Deadline for the earlybird registration: Semtember 10 (Thu), 2020. (tentative)