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The 70th Conference of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry Online Conference September 28(Mon)-30(Wed), 2020
To Host Univ.

Due to the spread of the COVID-19 infection, the 70th Conference will be
held as an online conference.
Date: September 28 (Mon)-30 (Wed), 2020.
Deadline for the title submission: August 16 (Sun), 2020. August 21 (Fri.), 2020 4:00 pm (extended).
Deadline for the abstract submission: August 16 (Sun), 2020. August 21 (Fri.), 2020 4:00 pm (extended).
Deadline for the earlybird registration: Semtember 17 (Thu), 2020.

Guideline for Online Poster Session in the 70th Conference on JSCC


Chairperson of the Session Theme of the Session
Munetaka Iwamura
(University of Toyama)
New aspects of excited-state properties of assemblies of metal complexes (English session)
Hayato Tsurugi
(Osaka University),
Yasutaka Kitagawa
(Osaka University)
Cooperative Interaction between Metal Atoms: Integrated Synthetic Methodology, Exploration of Unique Reactivity, and Theoretical Understanding of Metal Clusters (English session)
Takamitsu Kohzuma
(Ibaraki University)
New Era of Bioinorganic Chemistry Developed by the Quantum Beam and High Performance Computational Science (English session)
Ryo Ohtani
(Kyushu University),
Kohei Yamagami
(Okinawa Inst. Sci. Tech.)
New design of coordination geometries centered in solid state materials (English session)
Kosuke Suzuki
(The University of Tokyo),
Ryo Tsunashima
(Yamaguchi University),
Sayaka Uchida
(The University of Tokyo)
Advanced Functional Materials based on Polyoxometalates (English session)
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