名古屋大学G30 プログラム教員公募
Designated Associate Professor, or Designated Professor position for The Chemistry Program at Nagoya University. (名古屋大学G30 プログラム教員公募について) The Chemistry Program in the Nagoya University Global 30 International Programs seeks to fill a full-time, non-tenure-track, Designated Associate Professor, or Designated Professor position. The successful candidate will teach up to eight courses per year (eight `komas' per year*), including possible evening and weekend courses. As a full-time faculty member, the person will be expected to hold office hours, provide academic advising for students and perform the normal duties associated with teaching. The person will be able to participate in research activities in one of our research groups in the Department of Chemistry (Graduate School of Science), the Department of Molecular and Macromolecular Chemistry (Graduate School of Engineering), the Department of Materials Chemistry (Graduate School of Engineering) or the Department of Biomolecular Engineering (Graduate School of Engineering). (*In Japan one course or `koma' is equivalent to one 90-minute lecture per week for 15 weeks) Possible courses to be taught by the successful candidate include: 1)Part of General Chemistry (e.g. Laboratory in Chemistry) 2)Chemistry Seminar 3)Analytical Chemistry 4)Inorganic Chemistry I~III 5)Chemistry of Inorganic Materials I, II 6)Structural Chemistry Further information and contact details are available via the following website. https://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D117101732&ln_jor=1