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HOME > NEWS > Large-Scale Surveys on Gender Equality
News 2021.10.29

Large-Scale Surveys on Gender Equality

The Japan Inter-Society Liaison Association Committee for Promoting Equal
Participation of Men and Women in Science and Engineering (EPMEWSE) conducts
a large-scale survey roughly every four years on gender equality in the
science and engineering professions, to understand the current environment
surrounding the communities of science and engineering professionals, to
identify issues and to propose recommendations.

The survey term is from 20st of October to 20st of November, 2021.
Please answer the questionnaires from the following link
We are sorry that the questionnaires are provided only in Japanese.
Please use a translation function (such as google translation) to follow the

The reports on the past surveys is presented as follows:

Thank you for your cooperation.

EPMEWSE Large-Scale Surveys WG