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News 2024.08.16

Call for the nomination of ACCC Awards

Call for the nomination of ACCC Awards
(10th International Conference on Asian Coordination Chemistry Awards)

ACCC10, Hanoi (Vietnam), 24-28 October 2025, invites applications for the following three awards.

(1) MicrotracBEL-ACCC Award (for Male Researcher)
(2) RIGAKU-ACCC Award (for Female Researcher)
(3) RIGAKU-ACCC Rising Star Award (younger than 40 years old)

Applicants must be researchers with nationality and research base in Asia, (1) male, (2) female and (3) younger than 40 years old.
Applicants should submit the following four documents in English as PDF files by 31 December 2024 to masahiro.yamashita.c5(at)

The title of the email should be ‘RIGAKU-ACCCCC Award application’, indicating the award for which you are applying.

1.Curriculum vitae
2. List of achievements
3. Summary of achievements (2 pages)
4. PDF of papers (3 papers)

Applicants will be evaluated by members of the ACCC’s International Organising Committee
and one person will be selected for each award.

ACCC International Organising Committee members:
Teppei Yamada (University of Tokyo), Miki Hasegawa (Aoyama Gakuin University)
